Women's Workshop
For centuries women have gathered, sharing what they know of being alive. This time together is an opportunity for being in good and nourishing company with other women.
Join us for a unique collaboration of:
Clay Play: Making your own ‘Womb Women’
Through millennia women have shaped clay. This is an opportunity to shape your own small womb women, perhaps in honour of a special woman, perhaps an honouring of your own lineage. No experienced needed, simply bring with you a curiosity and willingness to play and create.
A Cacao Circle
When we sit in a circle and sip cacao, something undeniably mysterious, nourishing, and beautiful unfolds. We drop out of our heads and into our hearts where there is a palpable sense of connectedness. This ceremonial journey is an invitation to attune to the bloodlines of the feminine that weave our lives together.
**Please note that you do not have to drink Cacao, Herbal tea will be available as an alternative.
Light snacks (nuts and nibbles) and refreshments will be available.
A Women’s Story Sharing Circle
Women gathering to share personal stories sparked by the Womb Women theme, You may wish to share, you may wish to simply listen. This is a time to call in our personal stories, to speak and be heard, without judgment, weaving our own voices into the collective voice of womankind. Every story matters.
Date: Saturday 22nd July
Time: 3 - 7:30 pm
Cost: $70 (covers supplies, materials and firing) ** DOES NOT INCLUDE POSTAGE - we can arrange this with you once your piece has been fired.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
With love,
Lisa and Jade
If you feel called to be a part of this rich opportunity please RSVP via the link below.

“Stories matter, you see. They’re not just entertainment – stories matter because humans are narrative creatures. It’s not simply that we like to tell stories, and to listen to them: it’s that narrative is hard-wired into us. It’s a function of our biology, and the way our brains have evolved over time … if the mythology and history of our culture includes women who are wise, women who are powerful and strong, it opens up a space for women to live up to those stories: to become wise, and powerful and strong. To be taken seriously, and to have our voices heard.”
~ Sharon Blackie (If Women Rose Rooted)