... a personal element of my upcoming Womb Women Exhibition ...
I (Lisa) came through the womb of Sherryll
Who came through the womb of Beth
Who came through the womb of Ruby
Who came through the womb of Elizabeth
Who came through the womb of Annie
Who came through the womb of …
And onwards back through time
Through my womb came Lyall, Rachel and Ryan
Through the womb of Rachel came Sophie
Each of us with our own unique story, our own unique experiences of being human.
I have a special section on my website dedicated to my own womb to womb line.
A little ‘life snippet’ is offered for each generation.
Beginning with the newest life of this line, Sophie.

SOPHIE ~ Granddaughter
Came through the womb of Rachel
Born 3rd January 2022
Life Snippet: Hi my name is Sophie, I was born in January via mums ‘sun-roof’, I was very little and needed a bit of help in the beginning with my jaundice and slow weight gain. I got to have grandma at home to help mum and dad for my first week and I loved being at home with mum and dad for my first 5 months.
My favourite game is flying and my favourite toy is bright green and orange. I really like cuddles and cannot wait to be able to crawl and catch that fluffy kitty! I spend some of my time at daycare, I have good fun chatting with the other children, they are a bit bigger than me though! Today at daycare I got to play with bubbles, you should have seen my big smiles! I am looking forward to seeing Grandma and Nanny Kai again soon.
through the voice of Rachel